It was great to see so many turn out despite the cold night! Thanks so very much to all of the dedicated volunteers who help out with the behind the scenes work and set up. It's also fantastic to be supported by the Phibsboro Scout Group for the use of the venue and Phizzfest for the loan of the Audio Visual equipment.
The group really appreciated the generous contribution from Thindi Phibsboro for the amazing food after the presentation. It was delicious and everyone really enjoyed it!
The presentation shared the state of the annual accounts which are fortunately in good stead and how the different grant money has been spent. It would be impossible to hold events such as Buzzfest and local workshops without the generous support from Pobal, Community Foundation Ireland, the Heritage Council and Dublin City Council.
An overview of what happened last year included Buzzfest, the launch of the Villa Bank Biodiversity Garden, biodiversity and nature photo competitions, walks, insect workshops for primary children were all included as well as the results from the Tidy Towns competition. These have been improving but the persistent waste and dumping in Phibsboro are always a big challenge for the clean up group.
All are welcome to join as a volunteer for any or all of the groups which include the Clean Up Group, the Biodiversity Group and Climate Club or to join the committee.
You can view the presentation of the night below to see the scope of activities.